Room Availability and Contact Information
Review the Student Organization Event Space Guide for up-to-date information regarding available rooms across campus such as: room capacity, rate, contact information, and room policies.

Student Theatre Arts Complex (STAC)
The Student Theatre Arts Complex (STAC) is a pre-production facility located on south campus in the south end of the Facilities Services Building "B" across from the Michigan football stadium. It was developed for student performance organizations to rehearse shows/dances, housing three rehearsal rooms with a piano and wall of mirrors in each room. There is a full scene shop with large power tools, platforms and scenic flats are provided, and a room for hand tools and rigging hardware. There is a costume shop with three sewing machines and measuring supplies.

Art Exhibits
The Center for Campus Involvement offers exhibit space to student and non-student artists, student organizations, departments and staff in each of the three unions. Student employees working in exhibit programming gain a variety of valuable experience working to install exhibits, communicate with artists, and run the juried competition.

Vendor Sales & Marketing Table Inquiries
The Center for Campus Involvement works with local and nationwide vendor groups to bring students great deals on clothing, posters, jewelry and more!
We are always looking to bring a diverse group of vendors to campus to meet the needs of our students. Vendors interested in conducting a sale or marketing table in one of our University Unions facilities should complete the Vendor Sales Inquiry Form.