
Sanctions are penalties placed on an organization because of organizational challenges, planning issues, and/or incidents at the event itself.  Planning issues can include, but are not limited to, ticketing issues, communication issues, failure to comply with policy, changing event information without approval, and not following venue access times.  Examples of event incidents can include, but are not limited to, exceeding venue capacity, audience not adhering to venue policies, allowing audience members onto stage, damaging venue or property.    

Sanctions shall be jointly determined by University Productions and the Center for Campus Involvement, and placed for a specified period of time with a path for reparation.  Probation from the Major Performance Venues will be considered as a sanction in the most severe of cases.  

Sanctions will be determined and  placed only after the Event Evaluation meeting has occurred.  Each circumstance will be evaluated on its own merit.  Sanctions and restitution will be consistent with the issue that occurred.   Organizations shall be notified in writing of a sanction being placed or lifted, along with an optional in-person conversation.