Diag / Grove Reservation Process: Application and Timeline for Approval (Step 3 of 3)

Diag / Grove Reservation Process

Application and Timeline for Approval



You can request the Diag or the Grove up to one year in advance.  It takes time to coordinate use of the space.  The more time you allow, the better.  For simple requests, approval may be possible in only a few days.  However, at certain times of the year, volume is such that we are not able to process requests immediately. For noise exemptions, electricity, food, and other details, you must allow adequate time.

Important Note: Your application will not be considered “approved” until you have received written confirmation from the Center for Campus Involvement.

  • Information Tables 

    • No food, no electricity, no noise exemption:  3 business days' notice is usually adequate

    • Serving food:  at least 7 business days' notice

    • Noise exemption:  3 weeks' notice (an exception might be possible)

    • Needing electricity:  at least 7 business days' notice

    • Bucket Drives as part of an Info Table:  3 business days' notice is usually adequate

  • Large Events

    • All Large Event requests must be submitted at least 7 business days prior to the event date.

    • Other elements of the event require more time for approval.  For example:

      • Noise exemption:  3 weeks' notice (an exception might be possible)

      • Stage:  at least 6 weeks' notice

      • Food, electricity, and other services:  varies by event

      • Musical performances:  at least 6 weeks' notice

    • Bucket Drives as part of a Large Event:  varies by event, but generally same timeline as a Large Event on its own

  • Multiple dates

    • For Large Events, you might wish to consider holding multiple dates.

    • This helps if you don't know the availability of a performer, guest, etc.  

    • Dates can be held until 60 days prior.  (Example: a request for April 30 can be held until March 2).



Before you fill out your application, make sure that you have read all of the sections of this webpage including:

Ready to submit an application? Click the button for the space you'd like to reserve below to open the application in a new page.

Submit a reservation application