2. This student organization would be a great addition, but they engage in risky events. Should we sponsor it?
The University generally does not like high risk, but it can manage it if you have a good understanding of what the organization does and are proactive about any potential issues.
To help manage the risk in all events and activities, especially those that are high risk, you should
Start planning early. This is a perennial struggle with student organizations, but early planning allowed for issues to be identified quickly and avoided with little disruption.
Make the Risk Management Department your ally. Contact them as soon as you know of an event.
Use your resources.
CCI is a great resource for all aspects of student organization life, including basic formation and program planning.
Other Student Life offices can also be great resources, along with your college’s student affairs staff (if applicable).
The Office of the Vice-President and General Counsel may also be helpful. The University has its own world-class law firm that is ready to help with any sponsorship legal questions that may arise.
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