Sponsorship is a substantial relationship between a student organization and a University unit. The agreement is a written representation of that relationship.
- Support must be substantial and can be financial or administrative, regard the allocation of space, or be another agreed upon method.
- The agreement should be negotiated in good faith with the student organization.
- The student organization does not exist to serve the needs of the sponsoring unit.
- The negotiation is an opportunity to make expectations clear.
- A detailed agreement makes for clear expectations and smooth interactions.
- The agreement should be reviewed each year by both the unit and student organization.
- The SSO Agreement (.docx ) should also include any expectations or requirements that the SSO has for the sponsoring unit, and vice versa. Both the SSO and the sponsoring unit can and should set expectations for the other. Some examples include:
- “The SSO will meet each week with its advisor during office hours.”
- “The sponsoring unit will let the SSO know of any change in funding by no later than March.”
- “The SSO will notify the advisor of any off-campus events or activities.”
This section of the SSO Agreement is a time to build safeguards into the sponsoring relationship. Be creative, specific, and open.