SSO Mock Sponsorship

Exhibit A

Mission Alignment

  1. Please describe how the mission of the student organization and the mission of the sponsoring unit align.


ABC’s Mission to provide extra-curricular development opportunities for students aligns closely with CCI’s mission to create meaningful involvement, transformative experiences, and a vibrant community.  Through their involvement in  ABC, students will create lifelong memories.  


  1. Please set forth the various benefits to the campus community from this sponsorship.


ABC’s commitment to providing the campus community with a wide array of cultural, social, educational, and artistic programming aligns with Sponsoring Departments’s vision to foster a vibrant campus environment and promote a community characterized by creativity, leadership, and global citizenship.


  1. Please provide three to six goals for which both the Sponsoring Unit and the SSO will reach/complete this year.


These should be specific to the group.  

  1. Increase attendance at events.

  2. Increase number of programs put on by the group.

  3. Leadership development series created.


  1. Please set forth the learning outcomes that the Sponsoring Unit will provide to the SSO and the students’ development?


Sponsoring Department will integrate learning outcomes into the development of ABC leadership through one-on-one advising, structures workshops, and reflective activities.  The learning outcomes Sponsoring Department works with are outlined as follows:


  • Communication: digital identity, professionalism, and customer service

  • Social Justice:  collaboration, Identity and Perspectives, and Inclusive excellence

  • Leadership:  Big picture, Leadership and Management, Rational Learner, and Self-direction

  • Project Management:  Rational Learner, Leadership, and management

  • Creativity & Innovation:  Demonstrate Knowledge, Leadership and management, and customer service


  1. Please set forth the learning opportunities that the Sponsoring Unit will receive from the SSO.


Through the sponsorship relationship, Sponsoring Department receives the benefit of further living into its mission and values.  By maintaining a close relationship with student leaders, office staff will stay abreast of student concerns and interests.  


Exhibit B

Sponsoring Unit


  1. Please provide the following:

    1. Sponsoring Unit Advisor Name:  

    2. Title:

    3. Email:

    4. Phone:

    5. Campus Address:

    6. Space, if provided:  

    7. Administrative support (other than advising) provided: (access to copy/fax machine, office supplies, access to lab, etc.)


  • Oversight of the ABC financial process, including, but not limited to, maintaining budget records, coordinating reimbursements, pcard reconciliation, contract routing, vendor payments and transportation requests.

  • Support in maintaining the ABC website, as well as coordinating the ABC Calendar of Events.

  • Manage ABC office space and rehearsal room schedule, including ordering office supplies, maintaining the copy/fax machine, etc.

  • Maintain archival resources.  Attend, record and distribute minutes of the ABC General Board meetings


  1. Please outline the role the Sponsoring Unit Advisor will have when working with the SSO.


The Sponsoring Unit advisor for ABC will provide support to the ABC Executive Board, General Board, and each ABC committee.  The advisor will meet regularly with student leaders, helping them navigate organizational matters and event planning.  The Sponsoring Unit Advisor will lead ABC student leaders through the Sponsoring Unit learning outcomes.  The Advisor will foster a positive workplace and make ethical decisions which promote student, organizational, and institutional success.


Additional responsibilities include:

  • effectively manage communications between ABC committees, the Executive and General Boards, Sponsoring Unit Advisors, and campus partners

  • Serve as a resource for students and first point of contact in the ABC office for others by providing excellent front line customer service and guidance by using independent judgment and a thorough understanding of our services and programs.

  • Provide administrative support to ABC students, ABC Executive Board, and Committees.

  • Act as a resource to students in all aspects of program development and implementation.

  • Assist with program marketing, including designing flyers and compiling and distributing weekly email list serves.

  • Assistance  in making travel arrangements for students

  • Answer questions about ABC and their programs, refer phone and email inquiries, collect and route mail, maintain ABC event calendars, small office equipment, and supplies. Do general office copying, filing, distribution, and organization.

  • Navigate and Communicate campus policies and procedures.


  1. Please set forth the frequency with which the Sponsoring Unit Advisor and the SSO will meet.


The Sponsoring Unit Advisor will meet weekly with the ABC President and Executive Board.  Sponsoring Unit recognizes that the needs of each committee are different, as are the individual students leading them. The frequency of meetings between the Advisor and leader of each committee will be mutually determined between the 2 of them.    


  1. If the Sponsoring Unit Advisor changes during the year, the Center for Campus Involvement must be notified of the change.


This will be communicated with Sponsoring Unit by the President and a department member.

Exhibit C

Fiscal Accountability, Management and Contracts

Resource: Student Organization Finances


  1. Please outline how the Sponsoring Unit and the SSO will maintain appropriate policies and procedures regarding the financial management of the SSO.


The Sponsoring Unit advisor will oversee ABC’s financial process, including, but not limited to, maintaining budget records, pcard reconciliation, contract routing, and vendor payments.   The advisor will attend and participate in the ABC budget allocations conducted by the Executive Board.  


  1. Please outline the process the Sponsoring Unit has established for the SSO to accept the tax-deductible gifts.  If necessary, please consult with the Sponsoring Unit’s development office on establishing this procedure.


Tax deductible gifts will be processed by the Sponsoring Unit Advisor, in coordination with the Student Life Development office.  


  1. Please set forth the amount of financial support provided by the Sponsoring Unit.


XXX Funds are used to support the operation of ABC. This includes costs to 3 conferences and to hold 5 events.


  1. Please set forth the budget review process of the SSO and how will the Sponsoring Unit and the SSO maintain the budget of the SSO.


The Sponsoring Unit Advisor will oversee ABC’s financial process, including, but not limited to, maintaining budget records, pcard reconciliation, contract routing, and vendor payments.  

The ABC executive Board will be designated as SOAS Authorized signers, and are the only students who may approve vendor payment and purchase requests.  Sponsoring Unit will provide support in this process.   Each committee is expected to keep a “live budget” that can be reconciled with their approved expenses.  Furthermore, at the end of each academic year, the Sponsoring Unit Advisor, in collaboration with the UAC VP of Finance, will complete a budgetary summary and review.     


  1. Please set forth the contract review and approval process.


 The routing process will be facilitated by the Sponsoring Unit advisor.


Exhibit D

Risk Management, Insurance and Travel

Resource: Children on Campus, International Travel, Insurance


  1. Please set forth the processes created to minimize the risk of the SSO’s activities and events.


All ABC events/members will follow UM’s Children on Campus Policy, the International Travel Policy, and require performers to carry the appropriate level of Insurance.  Committee Leaders should discuss all events and activities with the Sponsoring Unit Advisor to identify and mitigate risk.  Sponsoring Unit recognizes that different risks are associated with different events and wishes to handle each event on an individual basis.    The Sponsoring Unit advisor will work with ABC Leadership to mitigate risk throughout program development and implementation.  


  1. Please set forth the procedures the Sponsoring Unit and SSO have established regarding SSO travel.


When traveling, committee’s must submit a comprehensive list of those traveling to Sponsoring Unit.  


  1. Please set forth the procedure for contacting Risk Management in the event the SSO needs to file a claim.


The ABC advisor will immediately contact Risk Management in the event a claim needs to be filed.  


Exhibit E

Branding, Logos, and Communication

Resource: Branding/Logo Guidelines for Student Organizations, Naming Policy


  1. Please set forth how the Sponsoring Unit and the SSO will ensure that the SSO complies with the guidelines outlined by the Office of Global Communications in the University Logos and Trademarks Policies.


The Sponsoring Unit advisor will take a proactive approach to this policy through discussing it with the ABC Executive Board, General Board, and committee leadership.  Additionally, posters, digital media, and other advertisements will be periodically reviewed in order to ensure compliance.    


  1. Please set forth the guidelines for the SSO regarding the use of University departmental logos.


ABC is welcome to use the approved Sponsoring Unit logo on posters but is not required to.



Exhibit F

Student Organization Standards of Conduct & Judicial Process

Resource: Standards of Conduct for Recognized Student Organizations


After reviewing the Standards of Conduct and understanding the Sponsoring Unit’s role in the SSO’s accountability, please set forth the process that has been developed to address any complaints regarding the sponsorship relationship.


Violations of the Standards of Conduct will not be tolerated.  


If the violations are minor and not brought to a formal SOAR hearing, Sponsoring Unit will manage the violation internally.  This could include any number of restorative measures or sanctions being placed on ABC by CCI.  Sponsoring Unit has a suspension clause in its constitution that will be followed for minor violations.