Student Organization Registration

Student Organization Registration

Student Organization registration opens annually on March 1st to September 30th. If you do not re-register during that period your organization will be frozen until registration is completed.


New Organizations

Existing Active Organizations

Constitution Requirements & Submissions

Frozen Organizations

New Organizations

If you are interested in creating a new organization you must complete the following.

  1. Look to make sure your organization doesn't already exist on Maize Pages. Currently UofM has 1,600 organizations and there may already be just the club you're thinking of.
  2. Think of an Organization Name and description.
  3. Read through the Basic Requirements to be an active club.
  4. Register for New Organization Orientation
    • This orientation will provide potential student leaders all of the steps to successfully navigate the student organization experience here at the University of Michigan.  Attending the orientation is required before you are able to submit a registration for a New Organization.

Existing Active Organizations

Complete the following steps to register your organization annually.

  1. Complete registration within Maize Pages

    1. Go to your organization’s Maize Pages site and click the blue REGISTER button

  2. Select 3 Authorized Signers

  3. Authorized Signers complete:

    1. Organization Essentials

    2. Signer Registration

Once all 3 individuals have completed this process your organization will be a Recognized Student Organization for the year. You can expect this process to take at minimum two weeks from start to finish.

Note:  Your organization is not considered registered until the entire process is completed.

Items all student organizations will need to register:

  • Names and emails of entire membership roster. Rosters must have a minimum of 10 currently enrolled UM Students and majority (51%) membership being UM students

  • An organization profile picture

  • E-mail of a primary contact

Constitution Requirements & Submissions

Constitutions are required bi-annually based on first letter of the organization's name. For the 2025-2026 year, organizations starting with M-Z,  or starting with a number or symbol are required to submit a constitution. Constitutions are submitted as part of the annual re-registration process. All constitutions must contain all items listed below.

  • Please be aware that constitutions must contain the following:

    • Organization Name

    • Mission/Purpose

    • Affiliations:

      • Local, state and national chapters

      • Business sponsorships

      • Sponsoring Department

      • If none of the above apply, a statement confirming no affiliations is acceptable.

    • Process to become a member

    • Process to remove members

    • Leadership structure for the organization

    • Process to select leadership

    • Removal from leadership positions

    • Process to amend and ratify your constitution

  • Please ensure your constitution does NOT contain this phrase:

    • "unless permitted by university policy for gender specific organizations."

Sample Mock Constitution (PDF)

Fillabe Constitution (DOCX)

Existing Frozen Organizations

For organizations that are currently frozen, they are able to re-register while being frozen. However, the steps to get to your organization page is a bit different. Please complete the following steps:

  1. Click on your personal profile in the top right corner
  2. Select the "Memberships" tab
  3. Go to organization's site
  4. Select the "Register" button on the organization's site and follow the directions, making sure to include the required items (listed above) for a succesful re-registration