Digital Ads: Request Space

TV screen with ad in Spectrum Center of Michigan Union

Fall advertising requests for digital ads will open up on Monday July 8th.

Digital advertising screens are a remarkably effective way to convey your message in full color to thousands of passers-by in the Michigan Union, Michigan League, Pierpont Commons, Palmer Commons, and several Campus Computing Sites. Advertisers may reserve advertising space on over 20 digital screens around campus on a day-by-day basis.

SORC is now accepting reservation requests for Digital Ads for the Fall 2023 reservation period.  You may request advertising space for run dates between now and 1/15/2024. 

  • Unlike many other SORC services, it is possible to start a digital ad at the end of one reservation period and continue it into the next. This means you can request space now for the Fall reservation period and extend it into the Winter reservation period later, if you need to.
  • If you have an ad running in one semester and want us to extend it into the next, we need you to ask us to do that. It won't happen automatically. We are happy to do it though! Just email us and we will extend the date.

A few things you should know if this is your first time using this advertising medium:

  • We ask for 5 days' notice for all digital ad requests. In some cases, we can accommodate earlier start dates. If you want your ad to start displaying fewer than 5 days from now, type in your ideal start date where indicated. We will accommodate your request if we have the resources to do so.
  • The minimum reservation is three days; the maximum reservation is one semester. Advertisers create their designs, save them as a .jpg or .png file, and submit them to SORC staff before the deadline, and SORC Managers upload the artwork.
  • Reservation requests are accepted only online so that we may maintain a fair hierarchy.
  • First-time users are strongly encouraged to read all Digital Ads pages (click on the items under "On this Topic" to the right) to educate themselves.

Request Digital Ad Space Now!