Content Guidelines


Advertising materials submitted to SORC should underscore the University’s
commitment to discussion and dialog for greater cultural understanding and awareness,
even for ideas that may be contradictory to each other. Advertisements are a reflection
of the organization; others might disagree with a group’s beliefs or may view the content
as highly objectionable.

SORC will not censor content, except as described below. Rather, it requires that
advertisers accept direct accountability for the content and must agree to meet with and
have a dialogue with a complainant concerning the advertisement. If a dialogue meeting
is needed, SORC will provide a representative and a mediator to join in a meeting with a
knowledgeable representative of the advertiser and the complainant.


SORC will not accept or post advertising materials that:

  • violate state or federal laws.

  • do not clearly state the official group name and contact information of the sponsoring organization.  For Diag boards and banners, the organization or department name must be written in letters at least 2 inches tall.  For bus signs, digital ads, and showcase flyers/posters, at least ½” tall.  For table tents, at least ¼” tall.

  • violate trademark requirements as defined by the Brand Manager.  For example, unauthorized use of “University of Michigan” and/or the block M or other registered marks is not acceptable (more below).

  • do not meet basic construction standards.

  • promote non-University businesses.  Businesses may be listed only as a sponsor of programs and may not be a primary focus of the advertisement.