Bus Signs: Deadlines & Placement

Bus sign reservations are available on a week-to-week basis during the academic year.  (During summer, due to substantially decreased demand, this service is offered on a four-week basis, Sunday-through-Sunday).  SORC drivers hang signs on the university buses on Sundays between 10AM-2PM; minor alterations are made on holiday weekends and academic breaks.  Although SORC drivers place signs at a time when most buses are likely to be present, the buses are constantly in motion, serving the campus community.  

You can click on the links below to see which buses you can expect to see your signs on.  You will need to know the start date of your reservation.

There is not a mid-week late late placement option for Bus Signs.  If you don't submit them before the deadline, the earliest they can be placed is the following week, assuming of course that you have an additional week reserved. If you do not, then you relinquish your bus sign reservation and will not be issued a refund.

CAUTION: If you have a printer deliver materials for your group, they must deliver them directly to SORC during our regular business hours. We cannot take responsibility for items left in mail rooms or other offices. As an advertiser, it is your responsibility to make sure that the materials are submitted directly to SORC before the deadline.

Fall or Winter Bus Signs 

All signs must be ready to post (see Construction Guidelines) and submitted before 2:00 p.m. on Friday afternoon for placement on Sunday afternoon. SORC is closed on Saturdays and Sundays.


Summer Bus Signs

All signs must be ready to post (see Construction Guidelines) and submitted before 2:00 p.m. on Friday afternoon for placement on Sunday. SORC is closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

Note:  deadlines vary during the transition period between semesters, especially at the start of the school year.  Limited staff resources are stretched extremely thin at this time; we simply must have materials in advance in order to process them.  Check ahead of time to make sure you meet the deadline.


Our drivers keep a record of which buses are present each Sunday when they place new signs. If you'd like a link to that spreadsheet so you can see which buses your signs were placed on, email sorc@umich.edu and ask for the current Bus Sign Placement log.